Dental Programs

Dental Programs

dental hygiene student

Dental Training Programs

富通学院的牙科辅助和牙科培训课程帮助学生获得所需的技能和知识,以证明他们获得相关许可所需的能力,并开始新的职业生涯. 牙科助理和牙科保健员是医疗保健团队的重要成员,富通的牙科培训计划可以帮助您为新的职业做好准备. 

我们的综合课程由经验丰富和敬业的教师提供,他们致力于帮助学生实现他们的教育目标. Through a balance of traditional classroom instruction, small-group discussion, and real-world skill development, 富通牙科助理和口腔卫生十大正规赌博平台大全的学生能够获得必要的技能,以证明在各种牙科诊所程序和实验室技术的能力. These essential skills include preliminary examination procedures, four-handed dentistry, dental charting, setting appointments and keeping patient records.

When you enroll in one of FORTIS’s dental training programs, you will also learn how to provide educational, 与牙医并肩工作,为市民提供预防及临床治疗服务,推广健康的口腔卫生.

Although job responsibilities vary, dental assistants and dental hygienists perform a variety of patient care, office, and laboratory duties, all of which require both interpersonal and technical skills. Both perform varied, comprehensive duties, making them highly valuable members of the dental care team.

Dental Assistant Job Responsibilities

Dental assistants perform a wide variety of patient care, office, and laboratory duties at the dental office. They may assist the dentist at chair-side, sterilize and disinfect instruments, 维护和更新牙科记录,指导患者进行一般和术后口腔保健. 顺利完成富通牙科助理培训十大正规赌博平台大全将为您提供所需的教育和技能发展,使您在这个不断发展的领域获得入门级职位. 

Dental Hygienist Job Responsibilities

牙科保健员是有执照的口腔保健专业人员,也是牙科团队中受人尊敬的成员. 提供预防、教育和治疗服务的牙科保健员. While specific duties will vary, 牙科保健师支持病人的整体健康,以控制口腔疾病和促进口腔健康. 富通的牙科课程不仅提供传统的课堂教学, 但也引导学生通过现实世界的学习机会,使他们能够通过模拟和监督临床经验发展他们的技能. 无论您是牙科领域的新手还是正在工作的牙科助理,都希望通过从牙科助理转到牙科保健员来增加您的职业机会, Fortis dental training programs can help. 

Job Outlook for Dental Professionals

随着牙科技术的进步和牙医投入更多的时间在他们的牙科实践复杂的病人护理程序, 牙科助理和保健员的机会将会越来越多. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, 牙科助理和牙科保健员的就业前景预计将继续在全国范围内保持强劲, 由于牙医期望雇用更多的牙科助理来执行额外的日常任务和职责. 成功完成富通的牙科保健员或牙科助理培训计划,将使您在加入这个不断发展的医疗保健领域中处于有利地位.

牙科助理和牙科保健员将有许多优秀的就业机会在各种实践设置, including private and group dental practices, mobile dental units, hospitals, nursing homes, dental school clinics, and public and private health facilities. 我们经验丰富的教师与学生合作,为他们在各种临床环境中的入门级职位做好准备. 

Dental Training Programs at Fortis

FORTIS的牙科十大正规赌博平台大全将为您提供在治疗室或手术室直接与牙医一起工作所需的实践策略和技术. 你将学习如何在牙医检查和治疗病人的椅子边工作,也将接触到各种牙科专业实践领域.Upon completion of one of our dental programs, 您将为牙科领域的入门级就业机会做好准备.

Take The Next Step Today in Choosing the Right Dental Program For You 

如果你准备开始你的牙科助理或牙科保健员培训计划,成为一名牙科助理或牙科保健员, or have questions about our dental programs, feel free to contact us at any time. We can’t wait to talk with you!